I have listed only a few, but indeed the best weight loss foods, I have personally successfully used to shed all my excess baggage. Remember to count calories every time you eat so that you are successful with your weight loss plan. On average we lose one pound for every three thousand five hundred calories cut from our food. Plan out your meals in advance so that you know just how many calories you take in with every serving.
o Breakfast - This is the single most important meal of the day. Remember the golden rule of the best weight loss regime; never skip your breakfast. This meal should contain the best weight loss foods and is of utmost necessity to boost your energy levels, stamina and also to maintain regular metabolism of your body.
Some of the best weight loss foods that can be eaten for breakfast include scrambled egg whites with greens like spinach and mushroom. You can chop off up to forty calories here. Cereals make some of the best weight loss foods, but instead of store bought ones, prepare homemade raisin bran with total cereal, or raisins with low fat milk; this can chop off more than fifty calories. Milk shakes and fruit smoothies are another of the best weight loss foods. Always remember to use low fat milk and fruits rich in antioxidants like unsweetened blueberries and bananas.
o Lunch - Lunch should be your next most important meal of the day. Eating the best weight loss foods that can rev up your energy levels to keep the day going are very important.
One of the best of foods to eat during lunch to lose weight is my all-time favorite, soy-based grilled vegetable burger. I also add some greens like lettuce and spinach and other veggies like tomatoes instead of pickles and cheese. Bingo, this meal lets me save up to a whooping one hundred and eighty calories with a single meal.
If you cannot think of lunch without meat, then opt for a Subway roast beef sandwich which is another best food for losing weight. Always balance meat with healthy veggies. This subway sandwich, in contrast to some of the others, can help you save up to a hundred calories.
o Dinner - Eat like a pauper at dinner time for best weight loss. The best dinner food for losing weight is one which is carbohydrate-high but low-fat.
Spaghetti squash is one among the best of foods to lose weight as it fills up your tummy without increasing calories unlike the wheat-based ones. Try making homemade pizzas but opt for healthier toppings like greens, veggies like tomatoes, bell-peppers and soy cheese instead of milk-based cheese. This way, you can still enjoy a pizza without having to worry about calories. Two of the best desserts for losing weight are chocolate dream cookies and low-fat ice cream.
Remember, you are what you eat; so make sure to eat the best weight loss foods at all times to stay in tip top shape forever.
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