The problem with many people is that they are on the lookout only
for fast and easy ways to shed weight. This accounts for the low
success rate overweight people have in their long-term weight-loss
efforts. They find it hard to accept that, unfortunately - in this
era of scientific and medical breakthroughs - an effortless
weight-loss technique does not exist.
So if you are one of those overweight people, what should you do?
Here are some thoughts on the matter:
1. Bear in mind that all weight-loss attempts require effort
on your part. The only proven method for weight loss is to cut
down on the calories you consume, or increase the calories you do
manage to burn off via exercise. Most experts believe you should
do both.
easy weight loss, loosing weight, weight loss supplements,
2. Try not to pursue the low-calorie route if you lack
medical supervision because of the medical dangers involved.
3. Fad diets are out of the question since fast and drastic
changes in eating patterns are hard to maintain. Crash diets also
push dieters into the cycle of rapid weight loss, piling back of
weight after going back to normal eating patterns, and having an
even harder time losing weight when they try another diet.
4. You need to commit for the long-term to daily adjustments
in your eating and exercise habits if you intend to lose and keep
off weight safely. Many experts believe you can lose around a
pound per week by decreasing your calorie intake by 500 calories
per day. Learn to practice healthy eating habits.
You should try to avoid products such as pills and capsules that
can allegedly remove fat from your body. There are pills that can
control your appetite but not without side effects.
The following products have been proven by the US Food and Drug
Administration to be worthless:
1. Diet patches that are placed on the skin.
2. Fat blockers that allege to physically absorb fat while mechanically hindering a person from absorbing fat
3. Magnet pills that purport to remove fat out of your system
4. The Oriental plant root Glucomannan
5. Certain bulk producers or fillers, including fiber-based products, which can absorb liquid then increase in size in your stomach
6. The blue-green algae species Spirulina
Various kinds of bogus weight-loss devices and gadgets are being
touted everywhere. At the very least, they are worthless and exist
simply for you to throw your money away on them. Others are
downright dangerous to use.
Some of these are:
1. Electrical muscle stimulators that can produce electrical
shock and burns when applied the wrong way.
2. Appetite-suppressing eyeglasses that absolutely do not
3. Magic weight-loss earrings and other gadgets that are
attached to your ear (which allegedly stimulate acupuncture points
related to hunger) and do not have any effect
How does one know if the product is bogus? You should be wary of
claims about weight-loss products that have words and phrases such
as: easy, effortless, guaranteed, miraculous, magical,
breakthrough, new discovery, mysterious, exotic, secret,
exclusive, and ancient. Chances are, you are being led on a wild
goose chase.
Hopefully, the data provided here will help you avoid wasting your
time, energy and money on weight-loss products that just do not
work. There is definitely no substitute for a sensible eating and
exercise program.
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