Weight loss can be described as a loss of the total body mass due to a reduction in the reserves of body fluids and the body fat.
There are two types of weight loss:
Intentional or Pathological.
Losing weight happens when a person is in a phase of a negative energy balance. It means that the total body intake of energy is less than the total output of energy in work etc. In such conditions, in order to fulfill the energy demands of body, the body takes energy from the stored fats or the muscles. This leads to the muscle wasting and decreased fat reserves thereby leading to achieving your weight goals.
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The intentional way can also be called as 'dieting'. It is the type of weight loss a person experiences as a result of one's own personal efforts to reduce an excessive weight gain.
People lose weight by various ways, either by exercise, regular walk, and diet restriction or sometimes by taking some medicines which can decrease the appetite, block fat absorption or help to reduce the stomach volume. This attitude is attained mostly due to social concerns or self-consciousness. If a person becomes obese to an extent of gaining criticism, he may attain the dietary habits or exercise routines to lose extra pounds.
Some people have set certain limits in their minds about a maximum weight limit. As soon as they cross that limit, they consider dieting or exercise to lose weight to the already set limit. This is in fact not so bad as obesity leads to a number of problems especially in those individuals who have a family history of diseases like diabetes and hypertension etc.
The other type is the pathological weight loss. It occurs due to certain diseases like cancer, tuberculosis, AIDS, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, stomach disorders, starvation, renal disease, cardiac disease, dementia etc.
Weight loss is good if considered for therapeutic purposes, because some diseases actually need a help by reducing the weight of the individual. These include the diseases like diabetes mellitus, hypertension, osteoporosis (bone disease common in women) etc. These are some of the diseases where the patients are actually advised by the physicians to pay attention to reducing their weight as this can help them improve their illness.
Sometimes a person's disease is medically diagnosed when the history shows an evidence of weight loss. Cancer typically presents with an evidence of weight loss. This is the case particularly with the malignant cancers and not the benign ones. Tuberculosis typically gives an evidence of night cough and weight loss.
Sometimes the history given in words of patient describes a loosening of the previously fit clothes; or some patients describe that their rings can not fit the finger any more and it drops from the finger. These are the manifestations of losing weight. If weight loss is due to a deliberate effort, than it should not be by crash dieting, which has harmful effects on body as well. A balanced diet is essential for preventing the body from losing certain essential components of diet.
Whoever considers losing weight for fitness purposes must also avoid extra food. It is helpful to take advice from the dietitian in order to attain a healthy diet plan while taking all the essential nutrients in your daily diet.
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