If you are thinking about having weight loss surgery do so thoroughly. You may be anxious to get the surgery over and done with but it is a major change and your life will not be the same afterwards. This goes for it the weight loss surgery is successful in helping you lose weight and if it isn't, because your body will be different inside, whether or not the outside changes.
Of course this sounds a little negative. The surgery does help a great number of people to change their habits and lose a lot of weight. This can be beneficial in a number of ways, feeling better, more active, living longer, perhaps you'll even notice a loss of certain medical problems that were exacerbated by being obese.
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Many have found that they don't even make it through the pre-qualification process. There can be many reasons and by no means indicate that you can never lose the weight, in fact it often indicates that you have other alternatives to weight loss surgery that you can try to help you lose weight. Its possible that you've only been obese for a few years, which means that this isn't a long term chronic problem and you should try healthy diets and exercise to see if the weight comes back off. You may have an untreated mental condition, such as depression or alcoholism. This can exacerbate your weight problems and by getting them treated you find that its easier to lose weight. Or you may still be under eighteen or over sixty-five. This is simply an age limit that doctors follow to help prevent unnecessary risks to the patients.
Weight loss surgery is really seen as a last alternative to weight loss because it is a drastic step with serious implications if a complication occurs. But it is also a very effective means of weight loss with many success stories as a testiment to its effectiveness.
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